Dr. Shivani Patel

Doctor of Chiropractic
Chiropractor for Foundations Family Chiropractic

Dr. Shivani was born and raised in Alabama and is brand new to Massachusetts. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Alabama. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic-Florida.

The first time Dr. Shivani ever came across chiropractic is when she watched her pregnant sister get adjusted. She watched chiropractic help her sister through her pregnancy complications and eventually keep her nephew very healthy. Before Dr. Shivani started chiropractic school, she knew she wanted to serve families the same way. Dr. Shivani has training in a variety of techniques, including Webster Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique, and Applied Kinesiology. She enjoys attending different seminars to build current skills and learn new ones. She focuses on combining her skills to find best-fit approach for each individual patient.

“The beauty of chiropractic is that it can be very gentle and still so powerful! The world around us is filled with stressors that impact our health in so many ways. These traumas, toxins, and thoughts put the body from dis-ease and prevent you from living in your best health. As a chiropractor, I plan to address these stressors by adjusting the subluxations and increasing your body’s ability to heal. Additionally, I will help support your wellness by finding YOUR best balance through these traumas, toxins, and thoughts.”

When Dr. Shivani is not in the office, you can find her exploring the New England area, eating some tasty food, or even dancing!

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